Maps & Directions to Püschner Microwaves
Directions to Pueschner Microwaves
By car
- Follow the Autobahn A27 direction to Bremerhaven coming from "Bremer
- Take the exit Schwanewede (exit no 14)
- Follow the direction to Schwanewede (about 6km)
- Turn right at first crossing in Schwanewede in the direction to
industrial estate Neuenkirchen / Farge
- After 2km turn left in the direction of industrial estate
Neuenkirchen / Farge
- Leaving Schwanewede in the direction of Farge
- After 5km find on right hand side the industrial estate
- Turn right into the street Reiterschanze
- turn 1st street left into the Steller Heide
By Rail
- Trains from Bremen's main railway station to North Bremen / Vegesack
leave every 30 minutes.
- Take the train heading for Vegesack and get off at the end station
- From Vegesack Station take the bus line 94 to Schwanewede or take a
taxi which will take about 20min to get to the industrial estate
Schwanewede / Neuenkirchen.
By Air
- From the Bremen Airport, take the number 6 tram and get
off at Bremen Hauptbahnhof - the main station
- Trains from Bremen's main railway station to North Bremen leave every
30 minutes.
- Take the train heading for Vegesack and see the previous description
"by raill"
- If you come to Pueschner by car, take Route B6 from the Bremen
airport toward Bremen City Center
- Take the Autobahn A27 in the direction of Bremerhaven
- Follow the above mentioned description "by car"